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At Bamiwo Foundation
It’s about helping
students reach their highest potential through Education
Community Engagement

Working Toward a Brighter Future

We believe in taking action with urgency and care to provide scholarships to those who need us most. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others. It’s time to make a meaningful change both in the most deserving communities in Nigeria, and worldwide.


What We Do

Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our society faces, Bamiwo Foundation is dedicated to making a lasting impact. While our efforts are driven by our organization’s vision, we spread a wide net by investing in a variety of community focused programs.

Girls Studying

Local Empowerment Through Mentorship

Afford students the opportunity of tomorrow

 A core focus of the Bamiwo Scholarship Foundation is community empowerment. Our Local Empowerment initiative program is a powerful tool to successfully serve our community and improve countless lives. We collaborate with like minded organizations to impact the community in a meaningful way. 

College Campus

Merit Based Scholarships

Change for the Better

Through our Bamiwo Scholarship, we have the potential to make real, positive change. The Foundation works with local schools to provide tuition scholarships to qualifying students on a yearly basis. This is one of our key areas of focus here at  BamiwoFoundation, and a source of much success for the Scholarship Organization.

Media Center

All the Latest

Girls Studying

From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of Bamiwo Foundation

June 5, 2023

Interview with BamiwoFoundation Founder, Oluwaseyi Fadamiro


Interview with Bamiwo Foundation Leadership

June  9, 2023

Bamiwo Foundation distinguished board member Dr. Henry Fadamiro. 


Bamiwo Foundation: Dedication and Service with Proven Impact

November 12, 2025

Collaboration with Local Empowerment Programs

Learn More
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